This was written by Linda Looney Please, do not take without permission

The House on the Hill

The love that resided in the house on the hill

Inside my heart and mind live still

A wooden house large and grey

Yet, it was sunshine to me in every way

No one screaming out in anger

The only shout was calling me to dinner

Or when it was time to call it a day

Each night side by side we'd kneel and pray.

Only once did I hear my Grandma swear

I was shocked at her blatant despair

She got on her knees and prayed right away

She taught by example that I'll say.

You see at home it was another world

Where I didn't want to be as a girl

I'd try to stay quiet and hope to be ignored

I lived in books there. With Grandma I felt secure.

This was written by Linda Looney Please, do not take without permission