This was written by Linda Looney Please, do not take without permission


When you're sad and feeling blue

I want you to know I'm glad you're you

Jesus is with you all the time too.

When you're down and feeling low

I am an e-mail away you know

I do care about you so.

When you feel the good is gone

That you are all alone

I'll send you a smile for fun.

I know everyone needs someone

People need encouragement from one

That cares not what they've done.

Your past is not important now

It molded a great person somehow

Stand up, You're Great! Now take a bow.

Remember everyone's life gets dreary

Hope I can make yours a little more cheery

Especially when you're feeling weary.

I am a bad imitation of

My teacher, my saviour up above

I try to imitate his love.

I'm here for you if you need me

I'll try to respond patiently

I'm here for you completely.